Friday, June 29, 2007

#7: RSS Feeds

Well, if I had read the last sentence, perhaps I wouldn't have spent time with my frustrations. Yes, this has been the most difficult discovery--I couldn't figure out how to download the bloglines notifier. Ok, stop right there--that to me is a discovery. It's fine to have RSS feeds, one place to read the condensed information I'm seeking, but if I have to remind myself to look at the feeds it isn't going to work. I was determined to get the notifier and finally did--perhaps it was all the sweets @ coffee hour that helped!

I added some co-workers--ooh, the sound of that little bell indicating I've got new items. So exciting! But geez, that whole public bloglines thang--I tried. Will see what happens!

How can libraries take advantage of feeds? Well, we could encourage RSS feeds through Goldmine so patrons could receive updates in the system. The operative word is ENCOURAGE. It's up to the patron to set these up, but we certainly need to offer it as a service.

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