Wednesday, August 22, 2007

#29 Rasmuson's Stuff

I'm reading Sarah Crawford Isto's Good Company, the story of her parents' arrival and thirty eight years in Fairbanks. Came across some names that I recognized (walking down Loftus in my neighborhood, I've often wondered who Loftus was). Going out to Vilda was great--some photos of Isto's parents and other names that she mentioned in her story. It was also great for background information on geographic or place names that are mentioned. Ever heard of the Curry Hotel--the stop off place for the Alaska Railroad between Fairbanks and Seward? There are photos of that place, even images of the geographic area as it was being developed.

Let's see if I can get some links to some photos:
Curry Hotel

Here's what I want to know: when are more photos going to be added?

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